How To Wrap A Mirror?

How To Wrap A Mirror?

Wrapping your bumper with vinyl wrap (also known as car wrap) is an easy and affordable way to change the color, texture, and design of your car. Here's how to get started:

  1. Start by cleaning the bumper with a mild detergent to remove any dust, debris, or dirt.

  2. Measure the surface area of the bumper and use this information to determine how much vinyl you need.

  3. Cut the vinyl according to your measurements, allowing a couple of inches for extra allowance for contour lines and curves.

  4. Place the vinyl on the bumper and heat it up using a blow dryer to make it easier to work with. As you apply each piece, press it firmly into place and use an application squeegee to smooth it down.

  5. Once all pieces are applied, use a heat gun to shrink the vinyl to fit. Trim off any excess vinyl, then use a dedicated vinyl sealant to protect your finish and help eliminate edge wear.

The folowing video is about How To Wrap A Mirror.